Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Morrissey's latest fall out ? with a dog

Fresh from a scrap with his fans, Morrissey now finds himself with a fractured finger after being attacked by a canine critic

Morrissey has fractured his index finger after being attacked by a dog. As he squabbles with fans and searches for a new label, the noted vegetarian was apparently confronted by a canine critic ? sending the singer to hospital. Thankfully, the incident will not interrupt his tour.

Here's what we know: some time since his appearance at last week's Hop Farm festival, Morrissey was attacked by a dog. It happened in England, according to his preferred online mouthpiece, True to You. "Morrissey has attended hospital in Malmo (Sweden) where x-rays reveal a fractured index finger on his right hand," according to the site. "The cracked bone is at the tip of the finger. The injury will not affect upcoming shows."

Unfortunately, the brief report raises almost as many questions as it does answers. What, er, happened? Was it Morrissey's dog or someone else's? Which hand did he hurt? Why didn't he go straight to a doctor in the UK? And if he had to wait, then why didn't he go to a Danish hospital? His gig last night was in Copenhagen, 25km from Malmo, and his tour doesn't roll into Sweden until Thursday.

While most of Morrissey's fans were suitably worried about their hero, his enemies at Morrissey-solo.com wallowed in schadenfreude. "Any truth in the rumour that the dog then spat him out complaining that he was old, stale, tasteless and way past his use-by date?" wrote one, er, "fan". Another snarked at the misfortune of the notorious animal rights activist. "Don't animals realise everything [Morrissey] has done for them? The ungrateful bastards."

Despite Morrissey's bit of bad news, there have been some happy tidings too. Tickets for his 8 August gig at the London Palladium reportedly sold out in five minutes. However, tickets are still available for the singer's 7 August concert at the O2 Academy in Brixton.

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Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2011/jul/12/morrissey-attacked-by-dog

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